Product Description
SCWPM.#140 - TBB.#B404a - Date: 1992 (1995)
Grade: Unc. - Signature: 1 - Serie: 277
Description: Colour: Red and orange. Front: Arabic text; Tassili cave painting of animals; water buffalo head. Back: Arabic text; Hoggar cave painting of antelope; rock pillars. Holographic stripe with heads of Abd al-Qadir and Numidian King Jugurtha. Windowed security thread with demetalized Arabic text. Watermark: Water buffalo head pattern. Printer: (Bank of Algeria). - Size: 160 x 71.7 mm. - Material: Paper.
Vorderseite: Prähistorische Höhlenmalereien aus Tassili n'Ajjer, einem Gebirgszug in der Sahara; Kopf eines Wasserbüffels.
Rückseite: Felszeichnung einer Antilope; Felsformation aus dem Ahaggar-Gebirge (Hoggar-Gebirge).