Barbados - 50 Dollars - 2007 - P70a - B229a


Product Details

: BBD.229a

Product Description

SCWPM.#70a - TBB.#B229a - Date: 1 MAY 2007
Grade: Unc. -
Signature: 5 - Prfx: J19 or J22

Description: Colour: Orange.
Front: Trident as registration device; coat of arms; trident; flying fish; Errol Barrow; blue foil pelican.
Back: House of Assembly buildings and careenage at Trafalgar Square in Bridgetown; trident.
Windowed security thread with demetalized CBB $50.
Watermark: Map, electrotype Pride of Barbados flower, and Cornerstones.
Printer: DE LA RUE. - Size: 150 x 65 mm. - Material: Paper.
39,50 € inc. tax

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