Cuba - 1 Peso - 1985 - PFX1


Product Details

: BFX.801a

Product Description

SCWPM.#PFX1 - TBB.#BFX801a - Date: ND (1985)
Grade: Unc - No signature - Prefix: CA
Description: Colour: Red, orange, and olive green. - Front: Spanish text; Banco Nacional de Cuba seal with star, shield, and laurels in circle; zig-zag underprint pattern radiating from center; large A in circle. - Back: Spanish text; Castillo San Salvador de la Punta (Castle of Saint Salvador of the Point), stone fortress and cannons in Havana circa 1600. - No security thread. - Watermark: None. - Printer: (Státní Tiskárna Cenin). - Size: 135 x 62 mm. - Material: Paper.
General information: 1985 Series A Issues
Series A exchange certificates were intended for use by nationals from socialist countries with a rate of 1 peso = 0.90 rubles. The notes share a common design on front with the bank seal at left, the denomination at center, and the series letter at right. - The back of each denomination depicts a different castle or fortress in Cuba. - The first Series A, B, C, and D exchange certificates are confirmed printed without imprint by Statni Tiskarna Cenin in Prague, Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic since 1 January 1993). - It’s believed that the second Series C and D exchange certificates were printed without imprint by Impresos de Seguridad in Havana, Cuba.

Source: The Banknotebook

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