Haiti - 100 Gourdes - 2004 - P275a - B848a


Product Details

: HTG.848a

Product Description

SCWPM.#275a - TBB.#B848a - Date: 2004 (in blue ink)
Grade: Unc. - Signature: 12
Signatures of Venel Joseph (as LE GOUVERNEUR),
Hancy Pierre Louis (as LE GOUVERNEUR ADJOINT) and
Réginald Mondésir (as LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL). 
Description: Colour: Blue, ,green, and orange. - Front: Coat of arms with cannon, flags, anchor, bugle, drum, and palm tree; General Henry christophe; sailing ship; house; soldiers fihting in town; flag.
Back: Citadelle Laferrière (Henry Christophe Citadel) atop Bonnet a LEveque  mountain in Milot.
Holographic stripe.
Windowed security thread with demetalized BRH.
Watermark: Coat of arms with electrotype BRH.
Printer: Printed by Thomas de la Rue, United Kingdom. (TDLR).
Size: 158 x 64 mm. - Material: Paper.
Vorderseite: Wappen Haitis; Porträt des haitianischen Generals und späteren Königs von Nord-Haiti Henry Christophe (1767-1820); Kämpfende Soldaten; Flagge Haitis.
Rückseite: Die Zitadelle Lafferière auf dem Gipfel des Berges Bonnet a l'Eveque.

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