Product Description
SCWPM.#64 - TBB.#B440a - Date: 2008Grade: Unc. - Signature: 13

Stanley Fischer (May 2005 - June 2013) - Aharon Fogel
Description: - Colour: Green. - Front (vertical): Moshe Sharett; flag raising at United Nations; text of Sharett speech; Star of David. - Back (vertical): Tower and Stockade settlement; Jewish Brigade volunteers during WWII; extract from Sharetts radio address. - No security thread. - Watermark: Moshe Sharett. - Printer: (NPA). - Size: 138 x 71 mm. - Material: Polymer.

Moshe Sharett geboren als Moshe Shertok was de tweede premier van Israël. - Sharett werd geboren in Rusland in 1894 als Moshe Shertok. - Hij emigreerde in 1906 naar Palestina. - Zijn familie behoorde tot de oprichters van de stad Tel-Aviv

Moshe Sharett (Hebrew: משה שרת) - born Moshe Shertok (Hebrew: משה שרתוק) 16 October 1894 - 7 July 1965, was the second Prime Minister of Israel (1954–55), serving for a little under two years between David Ben Gurion's two terms.
General information: 2008 Issues
The 20-new shekel denomination is Israel's first polymer note. - The cost of producing a polymer note is said to be 50% more expensive than using paper, but polymer notes are more durable. - If the trial run of 20 million notes succeeds, the Bank of Israel will consider issuing other denominations in polymer. Older paper notes will continue to circulate and will not expire.
Source: The Banknotebook