Uzbekistan - 1 Sum - 1994 - P73a


Product Details

: UZS.203a
0,99 €
0,75 €
0,24 €!!

Product Description

SCWPM.#73a - TBB.#203a - Date: 1994
Grade: Unc. - No signature. - Prefix: UT
Description: Colour: Green and orange.
Front: Uzbek text; coat of arms.
Back: Uzbek text;tree; Academic Bolshoi Theater, Alisher Navoi in Tashkent; water fountain.
Solid security thread.
Watermark: Star pattern.
Printer: (Uzbekistan). intaglio printing.
Size: 120 x 60 mm. - Material: Paper 
General information: 1994 Issues
On 1 July 1994, a second som was introduced at a rate of 1 new som = 1,000 old som.
These notes are produced locally by a government printing plant in Tashkent, using equipment supplied by Harrison & Sons, which explains the contradiction between the Cyrillic text on the notes and the Latin text used for the serial number prefixes. 
Source: The banknotebook. 

Meer info over Uzbekistan: Oezbekistan (uitspraak: [uzˈbekistɑn]), officieel de Republiek Oezbekistan (Oezbeeks: Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi), is een land in Centraal-Azië. Het grenst aan Kazachstan, Kirgizië, Tadzjikistan, Afghanistan en Turkmenistan. Het heeft geen verbinding met een zee. 
0,75 € inc. tax

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