Kazakhstan - 10.000 Tenge - 2012 - P43 - B142


Product Details

: KZT.142a

Product Description

SCWPM.#43a - TBB.#B142a - Date: 2012 -
Like B138, but without 20th anniversary logo and text at upper left on back, and new date.
Grade: Unc.
Signature: 5 - Prefix: AA
Description: Colour: Violet and blue. - Front (vertical): National emblem; bird in SPARK; flying doves and Kazakh Eli monument in Astana; flag. - Back: 20th anniversary logo; outline of Kazakhstan; Akorda Palace (the presidential residence in Astana); doves; outline of Kazakhstan. 6-mm wide OVI copper stripe with embossed signature of President Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev. - Solid security thread. - Watermark: Mythic Samruk bird with electrotype 10000. - Printer: (BFoNBK). - Size: 149 x 79 mm. - Material: Paper.

62,95 € inc. tax

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