Russia - 200 Rubles - 2017 - P276 - B835a


Product Details

: RUB.835a
: RUSSIA - Russian Federation
6,55 €
4,95 €
1,60 €!!

Product Description

SCWPM.#276 - TBB.#B835a - date: 2017
Grade: Unc - No signature - Prefix: AA
Description: Colour: Green
Front: "Scuttled Ship" monument (by sculptor Amandus Adamson), Sevastopol Bay.
Back: Ruins of the ancient town of Chersones, Sevastopol.
Watermark: "Scuttled Ship" monument | 200
Printer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Goznak" (Russia) - FGU
Size: 150 x 65 - Material: paper.
Issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Центральный банк Российской Федерации; Tsentral'nyy bank Rossiyskoy Federatsii; Bank of Russia; Банк России; Bank Rossii) and was issued into general circulation on October 12, 2017.
Note: A day after this note was issued into circulation, the National Bank of Ukraine, on October 13, 2017, issued a decree forbidding the country's banks, other financial institutions and Ukraine's state postal service to circulate Russian banknotes, which use images of Crimea, a territory that is regarded as Russian-occupied by Ukraine and the vast majority of UN member states. The NBU stated that the ban applies to all financial operations, including cash transactions, currency exchange activities and interbank trade.
4,95 € inc. tax

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