Sudan - 25 Piastres - 1978 - P11b - B306h


Product Details

: SDG.306h
: SUDAN north

Product Description

SCWPM.#11b - TBB.#B306a
Date:  ١٩٧٨ - 28-5-1978 - Prefix: A/117
Signature: 5

Ibrahim Mohammed Ali Nimir (Governor)
Colour: Red. Front: Bank of Sudan headquarters building in Khartoum.
Back: Man in cotton spinning factory. - Solid security thread.
Watermark: None. - Printer: DE LA RUE. - Size: 120 x 60 mm.
Material: paper.
General information: 1970 - 1980 Issues
All denominations in this family have two varieties dated 1978 in year, month (longhand), day format, all in Arabic. The first is dated 1 January 1978 and contains the word Khartoum to the right of the year (top). The second is dated 28 May 1978 without the place of issue (bottom), as is the case with all other date varieties in this family, except the initial variety
from 1970. - Source: The Banknotebook

8,45 € inc. tax

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