Product Description
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and SlovenesSCWPM.#15 (Overprint on P12) - Grade: Au
the picture is just an example
Date: ND (1919) Provisionel issue
4 Krone overprint on 1 Dinar
Issued by:
Ministarstvo Financija Kraljevstva Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca / Ministerstvo Financ Kraljevstva Srbov, Hravtov in Slovencev
Ministère des Finances du Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes.
The Serbian name for "Krune" is incorrectly spelled as "KУPHE" on all notes
Description: Colour: Orange brown on light tan underprint.
Front: Helmet man
Back: Guilloche with 1 Dinar - Overprint in red.
Size: 10,8 x 7,6 mm. - Material: paper.